viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

The Quiet Cat At The Stray Night

When I was a child, my mother and my grandmother did not accept that I or my sister bring stray animals into the house. They always used to say that a cat or a dog would destroy the house, but our desire to have a pet was always there, especially a cat, an animal we always had admired.

When I was ten years old, I went to the supermarket with my grandmother and my sister. When were way back home, it was very dark and the only thing that illuminated our path was a street lantern with a very dimmed light because the ravages of time. I remember that night was especially quiet.

In the darkness, I noticed a little black thing moving in the corner of a house. It was a kitten. I grabbed the cat and went running back at where my grandmother was. I told her that the cat was in great danger of being bitten by a dog, and I saved it.

She was obviously not very happy with the idea of adopting a cat, but I and my sister insisted.

We continued walking toward home, and, in the direct light of that old street lantern, I noticed that the cat had its eyes completely infected.

Probably, the poor thing cannot even saw. When we arrived at home, my mother was not very happy, but she and my aunt were later very moved by the state of the kitten.

With a lot of care and love, the cat was able to recover from its eye infection and my family finally accepted the idea of having animals in the house. Now, in 2018 we have nine cats.

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018

The Poisonous Jerboas

The jerboas are a small type of rodents. They have big ears to hear every possible danger at a distance, two long legs for hopping at large speeds and a very long and fluffy tail for whatever it suppose to do. They live in the hot deserts at some regions of Asia and Africa.

At night, when the weather is a little less hot, they leave their shelters and go hunting. They eat insects like beetles, but also their diet is based on a lot of plants.

The thing that I like the most about the jerboas is that they look very funny, like a miniature kangaroo mixed with a rodent or something like that. Their ability to walk doing little hops is also very amusing to me.

I also remember when I was a child, I was told that jerboas are poisonous animals, so I always liked the idea of such a little and stupid looking rodent could be very dangerous and kill you with their venom. When i grow up, realized that I probably misunderstand or invented that information myself, and sadly the jerboas are not a dangerous animals (even less poisonous) like I had imagined in my youth. But because of that bad information, their name and image have stuck with me to this day, so I remember them fondly.

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

Movies That I Really Like

As a cinema student, I have watched a lot of movies during my life. Some to forget, some to remember, some to just pass time time. But even when I have liked a lot of movies during my entire life, I only have a selected list of movies that I consider as my favourites.

To be fair, most of my favourites movies aren't masterpieces. Some of them are pretty bad actually. But there is something in them that caught my attention every time I see them, and made me think that I'm really watching something special. 

One of these movies is “Eyes without a face” which is a French movie of the 1960s and tells the story of a mad surgeon, who is constantly killing young girls to remove their facial skin and transplant them to her daughters face, that he ruined at a failed experiment. Altrought the movie has its mistakes (mostly in the script) the construction of the character arc of the vulnerable and mysterious surgeon's daughter (who always had to use a white mask to hide her face) is rather tragic and very emotional.

“Suspiria” (1977) and “Santa Sangre” (1989) are also movies that I don't really think that they are very good, but the way that they tell a rather bizarre and violent story, mixed with the music, acting, and especially the art direction made them a very unique experience to watch.

Finally, “Cabaret” (1972) and “Cría Cuervos” (1975) are probably the best movies on my list. Even when they are very different (one is a musical and the other one is a drama) I like them because they set apart of other movies of their genres using unique characters and styles. For example, in Cabaret, all of the musical numbers are part of the story and in Cría Cuervos, the drama of a death is at the eyes of a young girl who lost her parents.

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

A Photograph I Like

This is a photograph of the 1920s actress Louise Brooks taken by Eugene Robert Richee in the year 1928, when she was one of Hollywood's most famous silent actress. 

I really like this picture because it have two elements that I really admire: the use of black and White, and Brooks herself. Not only that, the photo itself was very advanced for its time. The white skin and pearls of Brooks' make a delightful contrast with the blackness of her dress, hair, and of course, the background of the set. 

Her gestures are what completes the picture, with one hand at the top, like she was trying to stop something bad (i'd like to think that she was trying to stop the ravages of time) and the other one just lying around, like she really knows that she doesn't have a chance of stopping this menace. 

By the time that the sound era of films began, Brooks' fame already was fading. But her iconic appearance and method of acting in the movies that she starred, was a model for actresses such as Liza Minnelli.

sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2018

A Skill I Admire

Of the many skills that I admire and don't have, being able to play piano is one of my most desired ones.

Ever since Iwas a child, I had the dream of being able to play an instrument in an advanced way, but specially piano or violin. I think the way that those instruments make sounds is very dramatic, soft, and wild at the same time. But obviously, only if you can master them.

If I had to choose between the two, I would probably choose piano rather than the violin, but only because piano is more flexible in its delivery: if you screwed up one note on the piano, probably passes unnoticed. Violin, on the other hand, doesn't forgive your stupidity.

Even knowing that, I never had the experience of play even the simplest melody on a real piano. Even less had the chance of taking classes.

If I had the opportunity to have the talent and skill of someone (because I would have sold my soul to the devil or something like that), I would probably chose Vika Yermoleva. She is a Ukranian pianist and YouTube star, and the way that she magisterially plays classical renditions of famous songs (mostly rock and metal) is always an inspiration for me. She even manages to make amazing versions of terrible songs! I think that a good pianist always sounds good, no matter what it's playing. And Vika is of course one of them.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

My Dream Job

Currently I'm studying Cinema and Television, but it is very clear to me that those studies aren't going to give me my dream job.

When I was a child, my mother took me to the dentist. It was very common to see children terrified of going to the dentist in cartoons or movies, and I was very aware of it. But for some reason, I wasn't afraid of it. The dentist checked me, filled my mouth with stale water, and put a mirror to my throat. Now I understood why most kids did not like to go to the dentist.

The dentist led me to a room and told my mother that I would need amalgams, since I had some cavities. I didn't like the guy, so I followed his movements with my eyes. Suddenly, he turned on a little white machine that started to buzz: it was an amalgamator.

The way that he carefully crafted the shiny metal thing that he would later put right into my grinders caught my attention in an inexplicable way. He noticed that I was looking at him, and said “don't worry, this is made of resistant and painless materials, like mercury and zinc, so it won't hurt you”, probably misunderstanding my curiosity with fear.

When we went back home, I told my mother that when I grow up I wanted to be the one who created amalgams. She looked at me and replied “So you want to be a dentist? They make a lot of money!”.

I didn't answer it. I was very sure that I didn't want to be a dentist. All I wanted was make amalgams. Be always in that tiny room. Have that dream little amalgamator machine very clean and gleam, hearing that darling buzzing sound and have the smell of molten mercury filling my lungs all day long. But it just wasn't posible, so i got on with that idea on a couple of days and then forgot it.

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2018


I'd rather talk about the TV show...

People usually say that I'm a bad friend. And I can understand why they say that.
For me, a friend is someone that you can share time, things, thoughts or feels. But other than that, nothing else more important.

The friends that I had achieved over the years had always been related to school, job or university. And I had enjoyed their friendship, we had go to cinemas, we eat together, go to parties, lend some money. But when the school was over, I didn't have the need to see them anymore, at least not on a regular basis. Maybe once upon a year

For example, my best friend in high school moved to America (I think) and he made a goodbye party and invited me and other guys from the class. I thanked the offer and give him my best wishes, but I said that I was very busy that day to go to the party. I was not.

Maybe I sound a little coldhearted, but that is the way that i treat friendship. If a friend is with me right now, I can be a very good friend, but if he goes away, don't expect me to follow him (because I don't know what to do with his friendship anymore).